Monday, November 27, 2006

Drinking games

Well - I had a very productive day yesterday writing my play and wrote an entire secene that is somewhat like a game (kudos to "Gods" here Morph), but more of a consumption game. Like a drinking game the rules are complex and the audience could be fooled into thinking it's simply made up as they go along - but structually it had opend some doors for me.

Now I've decided at the end of the play they could play the lambrini game and iv'e seen this game be turned onto its head and used as a wonderful tool for bullying and picking on hte weakest memeber of the group. I have a line that I'm trying to slip in "If you nominate me one more time I will throw this monitor at you" which is actually harder than it sounds...

Anyway - the idea is they are all playing a vallium consuming game and little bits of my chaacters personallities come out. Dan becomes incresingly hostile and greedy, Helen is scatty and forgetful, Keziah is niave.... you know hte type of thing... anyway they are playing it to waste time cos they've got no baccy, but Helens income support cheque is due in the bank at midnight...


Lucy Ann Wade said...

That sounds really cool. And well done for being productive - I've not written anything in ages.

When are we all meeting up again?

Sabrina Mei-Li Smith said...

i thought we were meeting in Loughborough on Sat? (Actually I'd forgotten but Mr Morph reminded me last Thursday!)

morphean ramble said...

theft! theft! plagiarism! oooh, I'll sue I will... :-D

Sounds cool - how much have you got done?

Saturday was the plan as I remember it - what I couldn't remember was whether it was to be a reading+drinking session, or jusr drinking, but Lucy and I talked about it t'other day and thought it was reading+drinking?

How long'd you guys stay at the 'fly after I left?

Sabrina Mei-Li Smith said...

oh i didnt stay past my pint at the fly, Dec, little Alex and i walked back and left jodie and andrew together. young love!

morphean ramble said...

hang on, I thought they were both gay?

Sabrina Mei-Li Smith said...

sarcasm is the lowest form of wit!
Jodies not gay - shes a bit both

morphean ramble said...

fair enough!

I wonder if I would be more attractive as a gay man...

Sabrina Mei-Li Smith said...

I thought you were a gay man ?

morphean ramble said...

harsh, man, harsh.

Actually, I bud. It's like having children, withough having to go throught the tedious business of having sex. Yay!