so wee are meeting on 23rd June (ironically enough mine and the mole's 6 month aniversiry - i know it donset seem that long at all! - he also dont want to do anyhting 4 it cos he says its a made up thing - also eddy and rece gave each other expensive gifts and went out for a nice meal so that means all im gonna get is anti-capitilist moaning all evening)
so, yeah, things that need to be discussed... and im making a list:
- greviency polocy
- Grants for the Arse
- Conucil funding
- volunteers
- deadlines
- photos
- rehersal space
- declan and the internet
- marketing and reserch
- workshops?
- venue viewing
- accounts and finances
"declan and the internet"
sounds like a great title for a kids book!
...content probably wouldn't be suitable though
hmmm... yes. perhaps not!
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