Monday, June 11, 2007

crap, thanks.

I feel crap. I'm utterly starving and promised the mole that i would wait for him before i cook dinner, to be honest any food would be good right about now. i should be getting on with some writing of some description but thats just not going to happen now as im so mentally tired that i feel that my brain is oozing out of my ears...

so wahts my next move? i fancy going to the cinema at some point to see a terrible film thats been overpriced and eat cardbord nachos with cheese thats just wrong, some hagen daz wouldnt go amiss either.


Lucy Ann Wade said...

Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is ace if you need something to stop your brain oozing out!

Sabrina Mei-Li Smith said...

ah! i still need to see 2 first! and i really wanted to see hot fuzz but missed that 2!