Friday, May 11, 2007


I've just come back from the dentist. My entire top lip is totally numb, as is my face on one side. My entire nose is numb and I'm slightly dribbling.

I'm also very hungry, having gone and got an appointment for 12.45, I missed lunch. Obviously I am now too terrified to eat anything ever again. Size Zero - Kate Moss, eat your heart out (or don't)

The dentist is a very nice man. He's called Dr Moss or Dr Wade or something with only for letters and instantly forgettable. He seems to be confident in knowing what he is doing. He has all the terrifying equipment lined up in non-too sterile looking trays. Like all dentists, he has bad breath.

He told me that I needed 2 fillings. I'm whats known as a "nervous patient" anyways - not liking to go to the dentist at all - and I was a bit freaked about going. but I convinced myself (with moral support from Hoffmole - thank you!!!) that fillings are run-of-the mill. In the 80's I remember having loads of fillings. It was when htey had the "drill-n-fill" policy of making cash with NHS dentistry - thats why the NHS is so rubbish now and nobody can get an NHS dentist and all the shoddy fillings done to poor 20somehtings are falling out and nobody is about to fix it...

Anyway - 2 fillings. run of the mill. totally normal.

Numbing injections (bit i was worried about the most to be fair, but it hurts less than getting your nose pierced). Sit about in the waiting room for 10 mins for it to take effect....

And trudge back up the stairs. He talked me through the entire process but I just couldnt hear him as the girl with the tubes and a mask was making such a racket with the hose in my mouth. Firtly, Drill the holes bigger (dont know why), Secondly silver caps ("silver is better and stronger for the woosh, woosh, woosh"), thridly something twisty with long metal toothpicks coming out of mouth at all angels. fourthly ("Cant see m to get this cap in...") cue weird almost pain...

Yes. Done. Over. I-Can-Go-Home-Now-Relif.

"Just sit back Sabrina. Now I'll raise up the chair (raise, raise, raise) You did very well... Have a good rise just to get all the bits out"
(gargle, gargle, spit)
"And now we can carry on with the extraction..."


Clamps, massive pliers, break tooth the wrong way, jank it out. It felt weird and you could hear it and it made me laugh and I wouldnt say it was an alltogether unpleasent experince...

...probally would'nt do it again if I had the choice though...

And I had to bite down on some gause and walk home looking a bit like someone who had downsyndrome with the numbness and the dribble and the blood...


Lucy Ann Wade said...

So 'Wade' is forgettable, is it?!

Sabrina Mei-Li Smith said...

haha! yes! it was like a 4 letter name that i caouldnt remeber!

but think of it this way... how forgettable is "smith"?

Damien G Walter said...

I have to have a tooth out soon. Its the second one. The first is like 'Well, eveyone has at least one missing tooth.' The second s more like 'Fuck me, this becoming a trend.'

Hannah said...

I had 4 teeth out when I had my brace... I've never had a filling or anything, just teeth out to make space, but it's well weird isn't it! you can hear and feel it crunching, kinda tearing a bit, but it doesn't hurt! ice cream is the answer... getting your lip pierced is the same- you can feel the skin tear but it don't hurt either!

weird stuff

and lots of ! in this comment

Alex said...

Dr Fuck.

Alex said...

Dr Hook

Alex said...

Dr Whom