Monday, January 15, 2007

Fucking Wankers!!!

Why is my house so shit? why is everyhitng in it falling apart? Woke up this morning and tried to gt the shower working (we have to make it work by hitting it) and NOTHING happeed so I'm now sat at work all stinky (well more so than usual) and feeling crap.

and the kettle is bust, utterly bust, ok it was "donated" to us by one of our not-so-hygenic friends, but still, its bust.

and the shower leaks through into the kitchen therefore slowly corroding the celing.

and the boiler is so fucked that hot water is a total imposibility.

and the lightbulbs in by room have all exploded cos of a serge of dodgy electrics!

i really have become the writer who sits there living in inhospibitbal conditions! I dont mind it much but its really PISSING ME OFF!!!!


Lucy Ann Wade said...

Your landlord should fix all that stuff - call him/her and be persistant!

Alternatively, move!

Sabrina Mei-Li Smith said...

Its fixed!!!

remember I work in housing!