Saturday, October 28, 2006

and the reasn why I put myself through this shit?

When Ambrose interviewed e for OhMyNews, he asked me why I write and for some reason I decided to review this question. In the interview I said its cos my brain would explode if i didnt, but I think there may be other reasons too...
Its a big IN YOUR FACE to everyone. Its a revenge act.
I write to piss people off, I write because of every boyfriend who ever annoyed me, every teacher who said I was a bit thick, every doctor who tried to put me on medication for my bi-polar personality, every lecturer who called me a retard, every playground bully who scraped my knese, every best friend who turned on me, everyone who ever said anything bad about me behind my back, every girl who stole the boy who I liked, every boy who said he loved me and didnt, every boy who wouldnt fuck me, every parent figure who wante to stifle me, every german who bought me dangerous toys, every smackhead who ever stole from me, every one who made me feel like shit, every singer who I became disenchanted with, every prson who stabbed me in the head with a biro...
Its for all of those and its a big FUCK YOU.
you know who you are.

1 comment:

Sabrina Mei-Li Smith said...

I do so have bi-polar!