Monday, October 30, 2006

Other Writers

In some weird Freaky, Haloween inspired way I am going to be nice and put links here to all local writers that I know. It might not be the case of "if you like my stuff, You'l like their stuff" but its promoting writers that I know just from doing the circuit around Leicester
Firstly, Lucy Wade's Blog is annother writer Development Blog like mine. She's a pretty nifty playwrite.
Alex Mack has a little blog in the same vein at and, no, he can't turn himslef into Liquid Metal nor does he look like Harold Bishop!
Alexander Walsh has a blog too and he'll probally go all squiffy about me posting the link here.
JW Bennett is a fantasy writer who has possibly see me get changed and has definatly seen me on the toilet (!) is his website.
Kaye Axon has a pretty good site at She's a poet and short story writer.
I tried to get a link to Damien Walter's site but for some reason it wouldnt load...
Freda Warrington is a local fantasy writer also
I've never actually met her, but interviewed her once for an article. I also was very inspired by her when I was about 15, then I saw a picture and was scared...


Lucy Ann Wade said...

Wow, I feel all famous!! Thank you for writing nice things. Hey, are you on new medication or something?!! :-)

morphean ramble said...

time to lower the dose...

Alex said...

*gets squiffy*
I'm probably going to have to update more now aren't I?

morphean ramble said...

it's just occurred to me - if you want to big the folks up, add a 'links' section to your side bar. That way we can remain up the top, getting your eternal never-ending props.

Course, if you want it all to vanish off the bottom, that's cool too...

Damien G Walter said...


Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.

Not to be left out for any curious party my blog can be found at:

Sabrina Mei-Li Smith said...

Sorry Damien! As I said it wouldn't load!
And am now having nightmares about you as a bridesmaid! :D