Monday, September 25, 2006

Life Fucking Sux

Major balls.
I'm just really disgruntled. Always feel tired these days, I'm always skint and I'm always bad tempered! How lame is that? well it does get to my bad side and really pisses me off a lot. I really feel that I need achange of scenery or something, a holiday, a rest... just a change... It would help refresh me and set me off writng again.
But sometimes I think perhaps I need some type of structure around the writing and then the rest of my life can kinda fall into place. I dunno, I just feel all wishy-washy about everything at the mo and thats really not me! I'm all "I know what I want, I know where I'm going" rahrahrah, but now I feel a bit like I just really dont care about anything... I'm becomeing niahilistic in my old age! Not in a cool punk way, more in a really tragic way. I should become a skaghead then at least my life would have a purpse! get up, get money to score, score, get money to score, score.... at least you know where you are! Writing is worse cos its like get an idea, flounk it, get annoter idea, give it a go bt its still shit, get annother idea, write it, its good, you still feel its shit....

1 comment:

Alex said...

You keep it real and Don't Let The bastards Grind You Down.