Sunday, August 27, 2006

New (stolen) Story

Right I am now buzzing an idea arround my head about 2 out of work actors one of which is crap with girls who gets together with a playwrite who hates everyone.
Its just in images at the moment and i have an image of an aftershow party in the theatre, on the stage... the type of civilised thing that has a buffet... and my characters sat in the stalls griping and sniping at everyone!
then annother image of my min female protagonist in a terrible victoriana style dress (the type of thing i may be hunting charity shops to find now as you never do get floor length dresses with sleves anymore!)
and everyting from the other actors POV (or prehaps too withnial and I)
anyway - its in stages in my head!!!


Sabrina Mei-Li Smith said...

oh! you should see his blog entry! Alex Mack told me about it and is going to email me the link! I'll forward it to you :D

Lucy Ann Wade said...

The site is: and the article is "a gentleman's hat is his castle" (it won't let me post the link here!!).


Sabrina Mei-Li Smith said...

oh dear... feel so bad about robin, but am sure he will get over it!
i have really started on this story and its writing itself in a really weird way. it seems really easy to write and kinds "flows" but on teh other hand i loo at the page and relise i have only written like 1/2 a page!
am actually kinda proud of it as even if its shit its beeing a real joy to write!

Alex said...

Yeah, thanks. I'll probably get the blame for thaat.
His peom suggests that a guy did it.
I fit the description of...
'drunken idiot' but should be eliminated from the enquiries due to the fact that it was a drunken female 'who ruined my favourite trilby', Mr Johnson added that 'I want to buy him a drink'.

Alex said...
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Alex said...
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Sabrina Mei-Li Smith said...

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I didnt do that did I? If I did sorry... probally just leaned on my keybprd or something!